Belgian Workspace Association members comply with our Code of Conduct and Consumer Charter. By choosing a Belgian Workspace Association member location you have the assurance that the operator is committed to providing professional service and ethical conduct at all times.
The advantages
Capital tied up in commercial property can severely restrict a company’s ability to adapt and grow, whereas business centres allow companies to upsize, downsize or even relocate quickly and with no long-term financial commitments other than three months’ rent. They also enable businesses to concentrate their resources on their core business while leaving workspace management to the operators.
Business centres provide immense flexibility in:
- length of tenure
- size and style
- specifications and equipment
The facilities
The latest telephony systems and handsets
IT networks, underfloor cabling and wifi
Plasma TV screens, AV equipment and videoconferencing facilities
Centre customers can buy food and refreshments in cyber café areas, where they can also watch TV, surf the internet and network with other centre users. In fact, networking with other businesses is a big attraction for business centre customers.
Meanwhile, reception staff are on hand to welcome visitors, arrange couriers, take messages and ensure that any customer problems or requests are dealt with quickly and efficiently. Many centres also have support staff available to cover for a customer’s own staff shortages or to handle heavy workloads.
Better budget control
All costs are transparent and inclusive of all building, heating and lighting, reception, security, maintenance, redecoration, refurbishment and cleaning charges. You get a single monthly invoice for a fixed amount, so there are no unexpected bills for rates, heating or lighting – and you also sidestep all the liabilities normally associated with traditional workspace acquisition methods. Rent is fixed for the life of the contract and there are none of the nasty building refurbishment or dilapidation clauses associated with long-term leases. Some centre operators offer a totally-inclusive package which includes free broadband connection, free unlimited telephone calls and free refreshments for the ultimate in budget control.
Costs for taking space at a business centre vary depending on:
- location (city centre or out of town business park)
- size of workspace required and its location within the centre
- quality of the building and its level of fit out.
Speed to market
CEOs, MDs and FDs will appreciate the speed with which they can view and move into a business centre. Most operators can reconfigure the workspace and handle special technical requirements within a matter of days and many businesses have moved in the same day they viewed the space. Similarly, relocation (especially within a larger business centre operation) is a simple matter. Additionally, occupants of business centres rarely have to give more than three months notice, substantially reducing the risk to a company’s bottom line.